
Purchase Fine Art Prints

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Print Types

Prints on Red River Paper’s Polar Luster Metallic

Each product marked as a “print” is just that:  a single piece of photographic paper. Each size has a small margin to facilitate mounting. And each piece of paper is made by Red River Paper. By their own description,

Your images will take on a brilliant, almost luminescent quality. Everything from airplanes to flowers will look bold, more saturated, more intense.

Gallery wraps on Red River Paper’s Blanco Canvas Matte

RRP’s Blanco Canvas Matte is woven cotton paper. In the hand, it is floppy which makes it perfect for creating classic gallery wraps. It produces deep blacks and fine detail. Before mounting, I coat each canvas print with a water based sealant. The sealant protects the print from fading. It is so robust, you can clean the canvas with a damp cloth.

Visit Red River Paper’s website to learn more about their products.
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